Which HFA book is right for me?

These HFA books are in published order. Some parts of Appearance and Circumstance (2003) and all of Homeopathic Facial Analysis (2006) have been updated.

  1. Appearance and Circumstance (2003) – theory of miasms, introduction to HFA, basic facial analysis,
  2. Homeopathic Facial Analysis (2006) – facial analysis for the clinic
  3. Soul & Survival (2008) – the principles of energetic motion and behavior behind HFA
  4. How Aphorism 27 Changed the World (2012) – a detailed examination of The Organon of Medicine 6th edition (Samuel Hahnemann 1843) in relation to HFA and contemporary Homeopathy
  5. PANDAS – Reaching out, a natural and homeopathic approach (2016) – building health back in PANDAS cases
  6. The HFA Workbook (2021) – facial analysis for the clinic (updated from 2006)
  7. HFA in the Clinic – Success & Strategy (2023) – how to integrate the HFA process ion the Homeopathic clinic

I want to learn HFA for facial analysis for choosing remedies.

The HFA Workbook is the latest HFA book for learning facial analysis. HFA in the Clinic – Success & Strategy is a companion book to The HFA Workbook. BOTH books will support the student or practitioner through what HFA is and how to use HFA in practice.

I am interested in how HFA developed.

Appearance and Circumstance explains the bridge between different miasmatic approaches and the early years of HFA (note the facial analysis has been updated since this book).

I want to learn about the philosophy of the universal forces/energies/survival instincts of the seven color groups (miasms).

Soul & Survival was written for both Homeopaths and the public to highlight the energies that drive each color group or miasm, including stress responses and personality changes under stress. This book also includes the fascinating link to time and our plant in regards to these energetic forces.

I would like to understand how HFA links to Hahnemann and classical Homeopathy.

How Aphorism 27 Changed the World is an in-depth look at the foundations of miasmatic theory and where HFA fits into miasm theory at a contemporary level.

Does the Pandas book help me to understand if Homeopathy could help my child with PANS or PANDAS or any other behavioral  or physical disorder associated with these syndromes?

PANDAS Reaching out – a natural and homeopathic approach is written for patients and practitioners detailing the theory behind PANDAS and how Homeopathy can help. Case studies are shown but Homeopathic methodology is not included. The HFA process is used with all cases and details can be found in The HFA Workbook and HFA in the Clinic – Success & Strategy and in the HFA online courses.

What about the Homeopathic Facial Analysis book?

The Homeopathic Facial Analysis book was written 3 years after Appearance and Circumstance to included the then (2006) latest facial analysis information. This book has now been updated fully in The HFA Workbook.